Exactpro tests new derivatives platforms


Exactpro, the London-based test automation firm that specialises in complex financial markets, has signed two clients launching new platforms. It has signed a master services agreement with Skytra, recently-established Airbus company which is designed to help the air travel industry to hedge and manage its revenue volatility risks. 

Skytra plans to offer airlines cash-settled futures and options contracts based on its Skytra Price Indices and is applying for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) authorisation to act as a benchmark administrator and to operate a multilateral trading facility (MTF). Nasdaq will provide, host and manage the core technology for Skytra’s derivatives trading venue. Exactpro’s initial engagement will see it supporting functional testing of  that Nasdaq-operated platform.

“Exactpro will conduct a number of independent, unbiased functional and regression test cycles as part of our overall delivery programme,” said Jeremy Norwood, CIO of Skytra. 

Meanwhile, Exactpro has also completed testing of ZUBR, a new crypto-derivatives trading platform which says it is aimed at experienced traders who are exploiting quantitative algorithmic and latency-sensitive trading strategies and are seeking a reliable gateway to digital asset markets.To test the quality and performance of the trading and risk engine behind the ZUBR platform Exactpro’s  testing team leveraged a set of specialised functional and non-functional testing tools designed to simulate high-frequency trading environment in modern execution venues, Exactpro said.