The QA Financial 100

The QA Financial 100 is a complete and detailed directory of the industry leaders in test automation and other DevOps technologies and will be a key resource for heads of software engineering and QA.

In this 40-page guide – available as a downloadable PDF – we have produced comprehensive profiles on the 100 leading vendors of software quality management services, detailing: 

  • The tools they offer and their core business focus
  • The details of recent corporate activity, including M&A activity, ownership changes and major new PE and VC investments. 


How will the QA Financial 100 help my business?

This is a go to guide of 100 vendors which will help you compare and save you time whilst looking for test automation and other DevOps technology partners. 

While the QA Financial 100 directory comprises the bulk of the guide, we also provide 11 pages of our authoritative editorial insight in detailed chapters covering:

  • The compliance drivers for digital change and new standards for software management at financial firms. One focus here is the European Union’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA),which is likely to come into force in 2024.
  • A review of five key technology trends that we believe will be critical for software quality assurance and DevOps for financial firms in 2023. For example: the technology behind low-code development and visual testing.
  • Our overview of the vendor market, evaluating the key trends in M&A over the past 12 months, and the impact of consolidation of tooling by financial firms.


How are the 100 vendors chosen?

We’ve based our selection of the 100 worldwide on conversations with leaders in software development and quality management at leading banks, insurance companies, asset managers, fintechs and other financial services firms. We’ve also added a section on seven ‘rising’ star firms – all relatively new, with one founded as recently as 2020 – and which we believe will be worth watching for progress over the coming year.

The QA Financial 100 will be reviewed and published annually. Information is right up-to-date for 2023.


What are the QA Financial 100 vendor categories?

The QA Financial 100 vendors are broken down into five key categories, the largest of which is composed of firms that specialise in providing automated software testing and QA tools. We explain what these tools do. We also have categories for larger software firms that offer QA services; for systems integrators and consultants that offer QA and testing services, for code software companies with test automation tools and QA services, accessibility specialists; for specialists in code quality management, test data management and accessibility testing.


How much does the QA Financial cost?

The QA Financial 100 is offered at £300 (inclusive of VAT) for the first 100 buyers.